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北苏丹之王 The King of North Sudan8.4

类型:纪录 泰国,美国,埃及,大陆 2021





《北苏丹之王 The King of North Sudan》是由执导,特邀领衔主演,该片于2021在泰国,美国,埃及,大陆发行,不到几个月收视率非常不错。

译  名 北苏丹之王
片  名 The King of North Sudan
年  代 2021
产  地 埃及 / 泰国 / 中国大陆 / 美国
类  别 纪录片
上映日期 2021-10-05(温哥华电影节)
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/35604176/
片  长 95分钟
简  介 

  Danny Abel’s documentary tells the incredible all-American story of Jeremiah Heaton and his geographical conquest. It all starts in 2014 when Heaton lays claim to 500000 acres of desert land between Egypt and Sudan; his initial aim is to establish a kingdom so that his daughter can be made a princess. What follows is media attention a movie deal with Disney and a shift in motivation: Heaton decides to create a bonafide nation with industry a military and more. Within a year of his flag-planting he’s looking for access to the State Department and a deal with Trump associate Michael Flynn. Things get even stranger from there. --- from viff.org



1.请问哪个平台可以在线观看犯罪片《北苏丹之王 The King of North Sudan》?


2.纪录《北苏丹之王 The King of North Sudan》上映时间?

桔子影院网友:2018 年

3.纪录《北苏丹之王 The King of North Sudan》演员列表?



豆瓣网 网友: 从去年年底看到这剧的男女主就开始期待,等了好几个月终于播了!4780的组合真的要颜值有颜值要演技有演技,演技完全戳中帅点苏点,已经不只是演技豆而是真正的演员了吧。刚看前两集的收视已经破了历史最高纪录了,期待后续!

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