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最后的勇士2 The Last Warrior: Root of Evil5.9

类型:电影 俄罗斯 2021


导演: 迪米特里·迪亚琴科 / Dmitriy Dyachenko



《最后的勇士2 The Last Warrior: Root of Evil》是由 迪米特里·迪亚琴科 / Dmitriy Dyachenko执导,维克多·霍林雅克,米拉·斯瓦奇卡娅,<br特邀领衔主演,该片于2021在俄罗斯发行,不到几个月收视率非常不错。

译  名 最后的勇士2 / The Last Warrior: Root of Evil
片  名 Последний богатырь: Корень зла
年  代 2021
产  地 俄罗斯
类  别 冒险
语  言 俄语
上映日期 2021-01-01(俄罗斯)
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/35327178/
片  长 121分钟
导  演 迪米特里·迪亚琴科 / Dmitriy Dyachenko
演  员 维克多·霍林雅克 / Viktor Horinyak
      米拉·斯瓦奇卡娅 / Mila Sivatskaya

简  介 

  Peace and tranquility have set in Belogorie. The evil was defeated and Ivan is now enjoying his well-deserved fame. He is surrounded by his family friends and small wonders from the modern world that help him lead a comfortable life. Luckily he has his Magic Sword to cut a gap between the worlds to get some supplies quite regularly. But when an ancient evil rises and the existence of the magic world is put to danger Ivan has to team up with his old friends and his new rivals. They will set out on a long journey beyond the known world to find a way to defeat the enemies and to return peace to Belogorie.




1.请问哪个平台可以在线观看犯罪片《最后的勇士2 The Last Warrior: Root of Evil》?


2.电影《最后的勇士2 The Last Warrior: Root of Evil》上映时间?

桔子影院网友:2018 年

3.电影《最后的勇士2 The Last Warrior: Root of Evil》演员列表?



豆瓣网 网友: 从去年年底看到这剧的男女主就开始期待,等了好几个月终于播了!维克多·霍林雅克,米拉·斯瓦奇卡娅,< 的组合真的要颜值有颜值要演技有演技,演技完全戳中帅点苏点,已经不只是演技豆而是真正的演员了吧。刚看前两集的收视已经破了历史最高纪录了,期待后续!

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