


《桑比赞加+土地的囚徒 Sambizanga / Prisioneros de la tierra》是由 莎拉·马尔多罗 / Sarah Maldoror执导,Domingos de Oliveira Domingos de Oliveira<br特邀领衔主演,该片于1972在法国,阿根廷发行,不到几个月收视率非常不错。

译  名 桑比赞加
片  名 Sambizanga
年  代 1972
产  地 安哥拉 / 法国
类  别 剧情
语  言 葡萄牙语
上映日期 1973-04-26(法国)
IMDb链接  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0069214/
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/4729942/
片  长 USA: 102 分钟 / Portugal: 96 分钟
导  演 莎拉·马尔多罗 / Sarah Maldoror
演  员 Domingos de Oliveira Domingos de Oliveira
编  剧 Mário de Andrade Mário de Andrade
      Luandino Vieira Luandino Vieira
      Claude Agostini Claude Agostini
      莎拉·马尔多罗 / Sarah Maldoror

简  介 

  Domingos is a member of an African liberation movement arrested by the Portuguese secret police after bloody events in Angola. He does not betray his companions but is beaten to death in prison and not knowing he is dead his wife goes from a prison station to another trying in vain to know where he is.

译  名 土地的囚徒 / Prisoners of the Land
片  名 Prisioneros de la tierra
年  代 1939
产  地 阿根廷
类  别 剧情
语  言 西班牙语
上映日期 1939-08-17
IMDb链接  https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0176049/
豆瓣链接 https://movie.douban.com/subject/3144308/
片  长 Argentina: 85 分钟
导  演 Mario Soffici Mario Soffici
演  员 埃莉萨·加尔韦 / Elisa Galvé
      Homero Cárpena Homero Cárpena
      Francisco Petrone Francisco Petrone
      安吉尔·马格纳 / Ángel Magaña
      Roberto Fugazot Roberto Fugazot
编  剧 Ulises Petit de Murat Ulises Petit de Murat
      Horacio Quiroga Horacio Quiroga
音  乐 Lucio Demare Lucio Demare
美  术 Ralph Pappier Ralph Pappier

简  介 

  In 1915 a workers employer for the Misiones lands ("mensúes") travels to Posadas looking for new employees to hire; among music and drinks hires one in a bar. Later travels to the work zone joined by an european doctor and his daughter. She and the stronger of the "mensúes" hired get along very well; which makes the employer jealous and punish the worker gaining him hate his boss and a need of revenge. In the forest the unjustices and cruelty become harder. The drink makes the doctor start getting insane and say nonsenses: in one of those episodes accidentaly doesn't recognize his own daugher and he kills her. When the contract finishes the worker can't leave due to a fake ammount of money he seems to owe. The mensúes start making fire at the forests and the young man achieves his revenge by killing the employer...
  The main filmmakers were the prolific Moglia Barth. The more promising and skillful Manuel Romero with: La vida es un tango (Life is a Tango); La muchacha del circo (The Circus Girl) and Fuera de la ley (Outlaw) thriller forbidden in New York; among others). The rigorous Mario Soffici the script-writer of Prisioneros de la tierra (Prisoners of the Land) -according to surveys the best Argentine movie - of other social dramas and also some comedies.



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